With a large number of papers submitted and after an exhaustive evaluation based on the quality and clarity of the information, the originality of the research and the content of the oral presentation, the scientific/evaluation committee of the 3rd Virtual Congress of Clinical Biochemistry awards the PRIZE FOR THE BEST SCIENTIFIC WORK presented to the Free Communication titled:
- Determination of optimal cut-off value of the Adhesive Tape Method for Demodicosis Diagnosis, whose authors are: Gomez VI, Silva PG, Ponce SE. – Universidad Nacional de San Luis, San Luis
Likewise, said committee distinguishes three of the studies selected for the award with a SPECIAL MENTION, highlighting their very good scientific quality.
- Precision verification of hematological counter CelldynEmeraldTM by means of standard EP15A3. Suarez AV, Martínez N. Hospital Pablo Soria, San Salvador de Jujuy.
- Concordance between test strips, physical aspect and urinary sediment: implicancies for the health of a students sample, 2014-2019. Brissón C, Cuestas V, Denner S, Fernández V, Prono Minella P, Bonifacino Belzarena R, Colussi V, Marsilli S, Brissón ME. School of Biochemistry and Biological Sciences. Universidad Nacional Litoral. Ciudad Universitaria Santa Fe.
- Screening of Maple Syrup Urine Disease: control-validation of the analytical phase. Vergara AN1, Bassino SM1, Castro MB1, Lobato AV1, Pirri ME, Valle SA2, Guercio AM1. (1) Provincial Programme of Newborn Screening. – Centre for Prevention of Inapparent Infections during Infancy. (2) Department of Biochemistry of Pediatric Hospital Dr. H Notti.
The Panel for the prize awarding was constituted by:
Dr. Gustavo Borrajo
Dr. Raúl Girardi
Dra. Gabriela Berg
We appreciate the effort made by all the authors and their commitment!
Útil, amplio y agradable, importante estímulo para esta difícil situación